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MORE to Motherhood Podcast- Marketing, Messaging and Motherhood for the Mompreneur on a Mission! Artwork

MORE to Motherhood Podcast- Marketing, Messaging and Motherhood for the Mompreneur on a Mission!

A Parenting podcast by Krystan Samaniego- Fun Hot Mess Mama- Productivity, Entrepreneur (WAHM) Entrepreneur, Shit Show, GoalGetter

Want connect with Krystan Samaniego- Fun Hot Mess Mama- Productivity, Entrepreneur (WAHM) Entrepreneur, Shit Show, GoalGetter and email directly about potential partnerships?

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What’s up?! ...Cocktail Crew!!! Welcome to Happy Hour Uncensored! Are you looking for a fun place to let loose, laugh, and have some uncensored fun? Are you searching for a girl gang where you can be your absolute crazy, hot mess express, quirky self? …. Oh wait, that’s me. Hi! I’m Krystan, wife, hot mess mama of 3, successful business owner, top 1% network marketer and your new sassy best friend! I believe that it’s time to create a culture and crew of women who can truly have fun, lift each other up, and find the brighter side of life without judgment! Let’s laugh about about the fun stupid shit we have to deal with as wives and moms, yet been too afraid to talk about. Not anymore! Nothing is off limits! It’s time to rip off the bandaid and laugh it off. Top off your cocktail mama, it’s going down. Cheers ladies-it’s 5 o’clock somewhere! Learn- >Moretomotherhood.com Share on the pod or ask a question-send to happyhouruncensored@gmail.com Join theCommunity www.facebook.com/groups/happyhouruncensored/ Work with Krystan -> Moretomotherhood@gmail.com Instagram -> @happyhouruncensored Coming soon-Merch....

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