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Montreal Zen Center Podcast

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Teishos by Albert Low, Zen Master of the Montreal Zen Center. A teisho is a talk given by the Teacher. This talk comes straight from his own understanding and life experience. A talk is not meant to entertain nor to inform but is directed to your own longing to 'know'. In order for a teisho to be received correctly one must listen with the same attention the talk is given. We hope this series of teishos (talks) given by Roshi Albert Low will help introduce you to Zen practice. Our Center, located in Montreal, Canada, follows a Zen Buddhist practice in the Sanbo Kyodan lineage (Roshi Phillip Kapleau, Yasutani Roshi, Harada Roshi). It combines both Rinzai and Soto practice (i.e. koan-based practice with breath/focus meditation).

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