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Knights of the Guild

A TV & Film podcast by Geekyfanboy Productions

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Knights of the Guild is The Official "Fan" Podcast for the award winning webseries The Guild. Hosted by Kenny who has worked on seasons 2 - 6 & will be joined by various cast, fans and crew members. The Guild (watchtheguild.com) was created by the one and only Felicia Day and is about six online gamers and their interaction online as well as offline. Since we work on the webseries we wanted to share our experience as fans working on this hit show. Will have up to date info on the current season, behind the scene information on previous seasons, we also have cast, crew and fan interviews, will keep you up to date on what the cast and crew are up too and so much more. If you ever wanted to know what happens behind the scenes of a successful webseries then take a listen to Knights of the Guild. And new to Knights of the Guild are CompanionCast. Companioncast are released the day after a new episode is released. Kenny was on set everyday while they shot and as actors and crew were finished with scenes he would try and speak to them and get some inside info about the scene they just shot. He also interviewed Felicia Day and Kim Evey about the storyline and Sean Becker about the directing. Each one of these CompanionCasts will be episode specific and will vary in length depending on how much guildie goodness he was able to gather.