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CorePower Yoga Podcasts

A Alternative Health podcast by CorePower Yoga

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Welcome to CorePower Yoga podcast. In our "Ask a Yogi" podcasts, commonly asked yoga questions are answered. If you've never tried yoga before and are wondering about its benefits or how to get started, you'll find your answers here. Each month we feature a new "Asana of the Month" video podcast, where you can gain a deeper understanding of postures commonly practiced in CorePower Yoga classes. We feature a new asana every month, so be sure to tune in! CorePower Yoga has 26 studios nationwide and offers Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, Hot Power Fusion and Yoga Sculpt classes as well as Lifestyle Programs and Teacher Trainings. For studio locations and class schedules, go to www.corepoweryoga.com. If you have found these podcasts helpful to your practice, please leave a review below.