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Nesivos Shalom - The Foundations of Life Artwork

Nesivos Shalom - The Foundations of Life

A Judaism podcast by Reb Yirmi

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This is a weekly chabura on erev Shabbos. We are learning chelek aleph of Nesivos Shalom. It covers the most essential and foundational topics in yiddishket and how to practically live by them. The sefer Nesivos Shalom is one of the most popular Seforim in the world. Most people learn the Slonimer Rebb’s Torah on the Parsha and Moadim. However, he also wrote Seforim on foundational topics in Yiddishkeit. Emunah, Bitachon, Dveykus, and Purifying one’s Middos are a sample of these topics. In this series we’re working on purifying our middos. If you have any questions or comments please email YirmisChabura@gmail.com Check out the other chaburas Likutei Moharan - Rebbe Nachman Niggun Chabura Bitachon For Real