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The Mishna with Charlie Breda

A Judaism podcast by Charlie Breda

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Mishna Yomi shiur with Charlie Breda #just2aday #under5min #mishnah4kolhaolamkulo Meet Charlie 👉AllDaf.org/blogs/20 https://wa.link/9dnf4r Daf Yomi 👉https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daf-with-charlie-breda/id1559469406 Landing page 👉https://linktr.ee/Cbreda All Mishnah Jr. 👉allmishnah.org/jr Questions, comments, sponsors please feel free to send me an email at Charlielbreda@gmail.com The Mishnah with Charlie Breda is now being dedicated for a complete and full recovery for אווה שלומית בת אילנה אסתר