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Hope Bapist Church

A Christianity podcast by Hope Baptist Church in Dillsboro, Indiana

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Welcome to Hope Baptist Church in Dillsboro, Indiana. We are glad you are visiting us on our podcast. We are an independent, fundamental, KJV Bible believing, soul winning, and mission supporting church. We stand on the 1611 Authorized Version of the King James Bible to be the perfect and infallible word of God. The Bible was inspired in its origination and then divinely preserved throughout its various generations and languages until it reached us in its final form. By this, we mean that the Authorized Version preserves the very words of God in the form in which he wished them to be represented in the universal language of these last days, English. We stand on Salvation by grace through faith in the blood and finished atonement of Jesus Christ at Calvary. You can learn more about what we stand on at: https://www.hopebaptistdillsboro.com/what-we-stand-on.