The Riverfail Podcast
A TV Reviews podcast by Jessica Brock & Michael Davis
5.0 • 12 ratings
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Create a free account Join us, Jessica Brock & Michael Davis, as we begin our reluctant journey through the enigmatic, absurd, and camp universe of Riverdale. Each week, we are going to be discussing a different episode of the ridiculous teen show that has taken over so many adult's lives. We will be dissecting, bashing, and talking about just how preposterous this series is and how it's become the show that everyone hates to love. Strictly no gushing, fawning, or use of the word 'phenomenal'.Find us on Instagram: @riverfailpodcastVisit our website: www.riverfailpodcast.comJoin the discussion: facebook.com/groups/riverfailjugpostingFor all business/promotional inquiries, please e-mail us at theriverfailpodcast@outlook.com