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A Astronomy podcast by Boogie Man Channel

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The only thing you know is that you know nothing at all. Enter with an open, a light heart, unbiased and non-judgemental or don't enter at all. Lend us your ears and we promise to melt your mind - we've been blowing minds for a long time and we're not stopping now. From altered and manipulated history. astronomy, lies in the skies, conspiracy fact and fact searching, astrotheology and religion. Simulation and Holographic Universe Theory to physics, theoretical physics and even quantum EVERYTHING! If it's interesting, we can prove it, make fun of it and make it fun for the listeners then you'll hear it here. One day we are at the top of Adirondack Mountains looking for Deep Underground Military Bases on Google Earth the next we are on one of our 6 giant telescopes surveying the Moon for structures, entities and crafts - you never know what you're gonna get out of this show. All points and facts are ALWAYS backed up with references like physics papers & peer-reviewed white papers, patents (active and theoretical IPs),leaked documents out of Government agencies and contractors like NASA, the DOD, DOJ, DOE, DOC, FBI, CIA, NSA and the rest of the damn alphabet agencies. Most importantly we always supply visual data and references to back up our theories and ideas. You'll get it all here.