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A Earth Sciences podcast by DJ VAGNETTI

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There are thousands of entrepreneurship opportunities within the environmental sustainability realm. Yet, all environmental shows only talk about climate armageddon. Sure, all environmental shows must feature and face the climatic debacle. But in every struggle, there exists an opportunity. Only visionary entrepreneurs see the chances to succeed where everybody only sees a disaster. That is the only difference between this refreshing environmental show and water cooler climate change talk. This is an open discussion on the ecological challenges and opportunities of today. Many people are waiting for you to tell them what you believe the truth to be. I am an environmental and civil professional engineer with a master's in water resources engineering. I am also an online affiliate marketer in the online marketing software niche. But more than that, I am environmentally concerned.So if you want to take advantage and learn where are the greatest opportunities for entrepreneurs in environmental sustainability; JOIN US in this quest for answers, truth, and opportunities. SUBSCRIBE to get automatic updates so that you never miss one of these invaluable chances.