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ThriveLive Zone Daily Podcast

A Self-Improvement podcast by Carole Sanek

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Daily talks about becoming a thriver in life, about moving forward to a place where you are in the thriver's seat of your life. My goal is to rev up your life with inspiration, helping you keep a full tank while you shift gears. I will help you use your brakes, change lanes and we will do this without giving a thought to the speed limit. You need this daily micro-podcast because you want to soar. You do not want to be a bird in a cage, or that lone bird sitting at the top of the tree. You know you were born to soar, so how do you do that? Coming here was your first step in the right direction. Let me give you a brief introduction on how I fixed my broken wing and took to the skies. I had been doing what I do best, write. I had a booming business where all I did was to write for other people. I wrote their advertising copy; I wrote their blogs; I did their social media for them. I love to write. I added podcasting to my repertoire, and for 3 years I ran 2 podcasts. Doing this brought me invitations to speak at conferences all over the country. In the middle of all of this, I added a weekly livestream on Facebook called #ThriveLive and it has been going strong for 3+ years. Every thing I did, every step I took made me realize I like helping people. In fact, every new idea I gave birth to was actually a step towards becoming a coach, I just did not know that until the fateful day in February 2019 when my husband had a massive stroke and eventually died. Everything I had been doing also died because I not only lost the love of my life, he was my business partner. He was my engineer behind the scenes. He was my tech support and I couldn’t handle it without him. I had so much to process physically and emotionally. I wrote a daily journal post every morning on Facebook and 13 weeks later I brought #ThriveLive back. It was about this time that my fans suggested I write a book. I waited almost a year before starting, and my book “Fractured-Living with Grief” is available on Amazon.com. It was during this time that those same fans told me how much my writing helped them. That was my lightbulb moment. That was when I took the courses that led me to become a certified life coach. Yes, I still write my morning thoughts on Facebook, and yes, these thoughts are “group coaching” and of course free. Please check them out. I am very public on Facebook, you can find me at https://www.facebook.com/groups/thrivelivethrivezone If you are here though, you found me not because of my morning thoughts but because you want to soar. I am here to help you do this. What makes me so good at soaring you wonder? As I wrote at the beginning my broken wing healed and I am soaring. Did I have help? Yes, of course I did. No one can navigate flying without lessons.