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Bigger, Bolder, Braver

A Entrepreneurship podcast by Dr. Kathrine McAleese

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Building a life and business that 'fit' YOU can be tricky, particularly when what you see others do, market or promote either conflicts with your values or is just plain ridiculous in the context of the life you're actually living. That's why this podcast is short, practical and to-the-point because you've a life to be living and no time to waste on fluff. It doesn't matter how 'successful' you've already been, so much of what you are applauded for can leave you pretty hollow, and it's too easy to chase after dreams that others have told you you could or should have, instead of checking in with what lights you up and who you were created to be. Bigger, Bolder, Braver is the podcast which questions the unquestioned 'truths' of how business is done and what success looks like, so you can craft a life that is richer and more satisfying than the 'norms', shoulds and other noise would have you believe is achievable. As you listen, you'll get a fresh perspective on what is possible for you in business, you'll see the toxic narratives in the current culture for what they are, and you'll be able to fearlessly carve your own path to become you in all your glory.