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Presentation Craft

A How To podcast by Neela Bell

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Are you in education, health care or government and need to present information without creating a zombie apocalypse? Whether you are at a conference, Zoom meeting, webinar or meeting room, presenting is more that just reading all those bullet points and rattling off a bunch of facts. Presentations are about learning to shape and then SELL your ideas. We want to connect with our audience, help them understand and then most importantly ... have them take action after you're done (not just bolt for the door, and thank God your presentation wasn’t longer than an hour). Each week, we'll explore a different facet of presenting; from storytelling and all the hero’s journey stuff you may have been hearing about, to sketch notes, slide deck design tips, how to present data, pacing secrets (so you don’t keep running out of time when you present),voice and stage presence, how to work the room (even virtually) and of course everyone’s biggest boogeyman ... the terror and anxiety many professionals have when someone asks them to present. Your first assignment ... to hit subscribe right now so you never miss an episode. Let’s dive in to Presentation Craft! Hosted by award-winning educator and presenter, Neela Bell.