Slay Away
A Film Reviews podcast by Slay Away
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Midsommar and Chekhov's Bear
Published: February 2, 2025Death Rattle: Interview with Hellbender Directors Toby Poser, John Adams, and Zelda Adams
Published: February 1, 2025Trick or Treat, Heavy Metal, and Satanic Panic
Published: October 31, 2023Death Rattle: Interview with Deliver Us Directors Lee Roy Kunz & Cru Ennis
Published: October 20, 2023Death Rattle: Interview with Black Mold Director John Pata
Published: August 25, 2023Death Rattle: Interview with Malum Director Anthony DiBlasi and Star Natalie Victoria
Published: May 5, 2023Death Rattle: Interview with The Outwaters Cast and 5100 Films Producer Beau J. Genot
Published: February 10, 2023Tigers Are Not Afriad, Dark Fairy Tales, and the Mexican Drug Wars
Published: January 13, 2023Death Rattle: Interview with Follow Her Producer Michael Indjeian
Published: January 10, 2023Death Rattle: Interview with Sideworld Director George Popov
Published: January 5, 2023