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Nerd Skool

A Film History podcast by Joe Hunsaker

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The NerdSkool Podcast features Andy Hunsaker, Tiffany Bryant Jackson and ArtStar as the Nerd Faculty and Joe Hunsaker is their pupil. Joe is a wanna be nerd. He likes super heroes, but doesn’t always know the back story. He likes Star Wars, but has no idea what a midi-chlorian is, and what the heck is a Dumbledore? Joe has decided to attend an audible “Nerd Skool” where his brother Andy is the Super Nerd Professor along with Surprise Nerd-Tiffany Bryant Jackson, who is super cool on the outside, but super nerd on the inside, and Art Star who is a Nerd Ninja- in and out of the comic shop so fast, you didn’t even know he was there. Listen along as Joe learns the in and outs of nerdom. What makes nerds mad about the MCU? What are you supposed to do at a comic convention? What are those nerds doing in the back of the comic shop?

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