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Dr. Serge The Nutrition Scientist

A Nutrition podcast by Dr. Serge

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My goal is to help people navigating the confusion in the world of health and nutrition. I use the scientific method to debunk myths and confusion. My objective here is to give the right information to empower people on their journey to achieve optimal health. I discuss a variety of conditions such as Lyme Disease, its co-infections (EBV, parasites, Babesia, Borrelia, Bartonella, etc.),hormonal imbalances, thyroid, adrenal, autoimmune diseases, allergies, GI issues, parasites, Candida, any topics related to health and functional medicine. Drink mold-free, pesticides-free, and acrylamide-free coffee at https://drserge.myorganogold.com/ Organo coffee is the only coffee that meets these 3 criteria. This coffee contains Reishi mushroom. Some of the benefits being studied are: - Prevents tissue degeneration and in turn, avoids the occurrence of various diseases. - Has anti-aging properties and is believed to aid longevity. - Strengthens the immune system. - Has been found to be effective in fighting against various types of cancer. - Aids the improvement of the blood circulatory imbalance of the body. - Protects and regulates a number of organs in the body, such as the liver, intestines. - Good for people suffering from high blood pressure. - Useful in detoxification of the body and rejuvenation of the cells. - Has anti-oxidant properties and helps maintain the metabolism of the body - Has no side effects regardless of the amount and period of usage - Oxygenates the Body - Boost stamina - Packed with over 150 all-natural antioxidants that fight free radicals - Promotes younger skin (GanoDERMA) - More Energy - Promotes deeper, and more enjoyable sleep - Promotes detoxification, weight loss

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