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Transform My Future

A Nutrition podcast by Alan Thomas

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Rethink Dieting is a weight loss mindset podcast for men. Over the years, have you gained weight and feel like you have tried every diet and exercise plan to lose weight? Have you become hopeless that it's not even possible for you to lose weight and get healthy? Alan Thomas reached that same point of hopelessness and desperation in March of 2017, when at the age of 55 he tipped the scales at 304 pounds. Alan publicly committed to losing 129 pounds over the next 8 months. After decades of obesity, he realized it was never about the diet or exercise plan, it was always about mindset. He reached his goal and now helps men rethink dieting and weight loss to live a healthier and more fulfilling future. Join Alan and his co-host Andy Daupert twice a week as they interview other men that have changed their mindset to overcome weight loss and other personal struggles and achieve success that they did not think was possible.