Sound Of The Kootenays
A Performing Arts podcast by Al Woodman
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Ep. 10 - The Hillties - Craig Beauchamp & Sam Matthews
Published: April 10, 2020Ep. 9 - Adham Shaikh
Published: January 12, 2020Ep. 8 - Bennu St. Clair - Her debut single goes from inspiration to reality in 'record' time.
Published: September 21, 2019Ep. 7 - Cam Penner - Opens up about every stage of his 20+ year career.
Published: June 29, 2019Ep. 6 Craig Korth (Part 1)- Have banjo, will jam! Stories from one of Canada's premiere bluegrass musicians.
Published: March 4, 2019Ep. 5 Ferdy Belland - How persistence and professionalism lead to many layers of success
Published: January 17, 2019Ep. 4 Allison Girvan - Conductor, Educator, Singer... & much more
Published: November 19, 2018Ep. 3 Justin Hines - Canadian singer/songwriter settles down in the Kootenay/Boundary
Published: October 18, 2018Ep. 2 Jesse Lee - Multi instrumentalist and composer from Nelson BC
Published: September 16, 2018Ep. 1 Paul Hinrichs - Kaslo Jazz Etc. Festival, On The Road Productions
Published: August 13, 2018