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Courage Dear Heart

A Personal Journals podcast by Charli Wall

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We have all heard stories of courage & wisdom from women & men we admire. Stories of loss, bravery, and stepping up into the humans we were born to be. My name is Charli Wall and my story is one of loss, trauma, addictions, mental health, triumph & courage. I have worked with humans all over the world and the one thing that ties us all together is the raw courage & brave vulnerability I see in them. My hope is that you will listen to these real raw stories from other humans and know, without a doubt that you are not alone, and secondly know that you too can find your courage. We cover all the messy real-life topics that make us human. We can share our battle scars but this time, with a deep knowing that you are perfect & whole just as you are. You already are the human you have been searching for.

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