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A Careers podcast by Ray Sidney-Smith and Augusto Pinaud

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Several years ago, the idea of ProductivityCast (https://productivitycast.net/) was born, as a personal productivity podcast show to discuss topics longer than two minutes or less (as was done with the two-minute episodes on ProdPod (https://prodpod.net)). Ray Sidney-Smith (https://rsidneysmith.com) invited Augusto Pinaud (https://productivityvoice.com) to be his co-host, and so they decided to start ProductivityCast. ProductivityCast is an opportunity to discuss personal productivity in context, occasionally interviewing experts, highlighting popular as well as the scientific literature (on productivity, time management, focus, habit and performance improvement),discussing technology’s effect on getting things done, and debating important topics. Augusto and Ray bring you weekly shows with our panel of regular contributors, which includes Francis Wade (http://www.2time-sys.com/) and Art Gelwicks (https://www.theideapump.com/),and a few times per year we interview productivity experts and technologists.

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